Select Your Property Listing Plan


$ 0.00 Plus $0.00 GST / month Per Listing

Advertise a property with a standard listing.

  • Listing as featured
  • Contact Owner
  • Select Files (Maximum of 5)
  • Video
  • FAQs
  • Booking Included
  • Mark as Sold Included


$ 20.00 Plus $0.00 GST / month Per Listing

Advertise a Premium Listing for your Property

  • Listing as featured
  • Contact Owner
  • Select Files (Maximum of 10)
  • Video
  • FAQs
  • Booking Included
  • Mark as Sold Included

Properties 5

$ 25.00 Plus $0.00 GST / month Per Package

Advertise up to 5 property listings.

  • 5 Regular Listings
  • 0 Featured Listings
  • Contact Owner
  • Select Files (Maximum of 10)
  • Video
  • FAQs
  • Booking Included
  • Mark as Sold Included

Properties 10

$ 50.00 Plus $0.00 GST / month Per Package

Advertise up to 10 property listings.

  • 10 Regular Listings
  • 0 Featured Listings
  • Contact Owner
  • Select Files (Maximum of 10)
  • Video
  • FAQs
  • Booking Included
  • Mark as Sold Included

Properties 20

$ 100.00 Plus $0.00 GST / month Per Package

Advertise up to 20 property listings.

  • 20 Regular Listings
  • 0 Featured Listings
  • Contact Owner
  • Select Files (Maximum of 10)
  • Video
  • FAQs
  • Booking Included
  • Mark as Sold Included

Real Estate Agency

$ 250.00 Plus $0.00 GST / month Per Package

Advertise unlimited Standard property listings.

  • Unlimited Regular Listings
  • 0 Featured Listings
  • Contact Owner
  • Select Files (Unlimited Select Files)
  • Video
  • FAQs
  • Booking Included
  • Mark as Sold Included

Real Estate Agency Plus

$ 500.00 Plus $0.00 GST / month Per Package

Advertise unlimited Standard, and 100 Premium property listings.

  • Unlimited Regular Listings
  • 100 Featured Listings
  • Contact Owner
  • Select Files (Unlimited Select Files)
  • Video
  • FAQs
  • Booking Included
  • Mark as Sold Included

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